Metallurgical Laboratory
Lab Testing
Abreco®performs metallurgical testing and routine analysis of wear resistant products, input and output materials from metals, ceramics, and composites on the products we manufacture. Our full range of metallurgical testing equipment has applications in failure analysis, quality assurance, reverse engineering and process control. We work closely with our clients to support and fully address their needs as it relates to materials testing and consulting.
Our metallurgical testing also is used to identify the cause of metal failure and inform preventative measures against future failures using our in house metallurgical equipment and staff expertise.
Metallurgical Testing and Equipment:
- Microstructural Assessment (Quantitative metallography, Microstructure Evaluation)
- Failure and Wear mode analysis (Adhesive wear, Abrasive wear, force fracture, fatigue fracture, thermal fracture, abrasion/corrosion failure)
- Structural integrity design (Materials selection and characterization, stress and failure analysis)
- Non-destructive evaluation dye penetrant (LPI) , Magnetic-particle inspection (MPI)
- XRD Analysis (carbides and austenite measuring, retained austenite/carbides percentage)
- Optical emission spectroscopy (OES) for ferrous and non-ferrous alloys
- Hardness (Rockwell hardness, Rockwell superficial hardness, Brinell)
- Case depth measurement, coating thickness and verification
- Field Microstructural Evaluation and Replication
- Robber wheel test (ASTM G-65 abrasive wear test)
- Ultra-high Vacuum furnace up to 1350°C (2500°F) (> 10-6 Bar vacuum)
- Heat-affect zone near welds and brazed joints
- Determine cracking modes in metals (trans granular, intergranular, etc.)
- Examine solder and braze joint cross sections for defects